Insights from Proverbs 25


Insights from Proverbs 25 for the 25th:

Chapter 25 is a smorgasbord of behavioral and relational standards.

Five of the verses address being neighborly. Man, having a good neighbor is so important! A bad neighbor can make your life so much harder than it has to be!

Are you a good neighbor or a difficult one?

We have GREAT neighbors. They are like family… and some literally are family! It is an incredible blessing. We look out for each other and do life together well. Not everyone is so fortunate. Imagine not trusting your neighbor. Imagine a neighbor that went out of their way to be difficult. Hey, life’s challenging enough without adding to it’s troubles.

As believers, we are ambassadors for Christ (2 Cor. 5:20). We represent Christians in general and Jesus in particular. Even if your neighbor isn’t so neighborly; bless them & pray for them (Matt. 5:44). Show them the wonderful love of Jesus. That is how our community should know us (John 13:35). Remember: Our lives may be the only Bible some people may ever read. Be intentional!

Are you being a good steward of the street on which God placed you?

(Eight out of ten of you are now singing, “Won’t you be my neighbor?”)

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